Black ice is a thin layer of highly transparent ice that can form on roadways, bridges, and sidewalks. As a result, it can lead to slip-and-fall accidents on city sidewalks as well as automobile accidents when black ice forms on the streets. The ice itself is clear; however, it is called black ice because it looks black due to the color of the road it is covering. Black ice is often undetectable to the human eye because it is thin and does not create bubbles, which allows it to blend in with the pavement. Black ice is incredibly dangerous for people to drive on because it is so hard to detect. Many people do not realize they are driving on black ice until it is too late.
How Common is Black Ice?
Black ice is common during the winter months, especially in regions of the United States that reach freezing temperatures. It is especially likely to form on roads that are elevated or shaded, such as bridges, overpasses, roads beneath overpasses, and tree-lined roads. Additionally, black ice tends to form on roads where there may be less traffic because there are not enough cars driving to generate enough heat to prevent black ice from forming. The most common times for black ice to form are early in the morning and late in the evening when the sun is not out, and there is less traffic on the roads. Although black ice is more common in Northern states where temperatures consistently reach below freezing, it can happen in any state, so it is important to know what to look for when you are driving in cold weather.
How Can You Tell if There is Black Ice on the Road?
Although it is difficult to tell if there is black ice on the road, there are a few signs to look out for while driving that could indicate that the road may be icy. For instance, if you see pavement that looks darker and duller than the rest of the road, you may be approaching black ice. Additionally, black ice tends to freeze in a thin and even layer, so if you notice that parts of the road seem to have an unusually smooth texture, you may be driving on black ice. Another sign of black ice to look for is puddles or icy patches near guardrails or bridges, as these spots tend to freeze faster than other parts of the road. Lastly, black ice may give off a shiny reflection, especially if you are driving at night and have your headlights on.
What Causes Black Ice?
Black ice can form in several ways. One way black ice forms is when there is moisture on the road from snow or ice melting on or near the road. When temperatures on the road drop below freezing, the melted snow or ice freezes into a thin layer of black ice. Another way black ice can form is when precipitation, such as drizzle, rain, dew, or fog, lands on the road. The precipitation may form puddles on the road that freeze when road surface temperatures drop.
What Are the Dangers of Black Ice?
The main danger of black ice is that it makes roads slippery and hard to see, making the roads dangerous to drive on. Due to the slippery nature of black ice, breaks and steering may not work correctly, which can cause drivers to lose control. If you drive on black ice without knowing how to handle the situation properly, there is a possibility your car could spin out of control, crash into another car, or slide into a ditch. It is important to know how to drive on black ice and what to do if you unexpectedly hit black ice; otherwise, you could end up seriously injured or dead.
How Many Accidents Does Black Ice Cause Per Year?
With 70% of roads in the United States being in snowy and icy areas, it is not uncommon for ice-related accidents to occur. According to the Federal Highway Administration, over 1,300 people are killed and more than 116,800 people are injured in vehicle crashes on snowy, slushy, or icy pavement annually. Furthermore, the Federal Highway Administration estimates that over 24% of crashes in the United States occur in snowy or icy conditions. Black ice conditions are dangerous for drivers to be on, especially if the driver has limited experience with icy conditions. Learning what to do if you hit a patch of black ice or plan to drive in black ice conditions may save your life.
What Should You Do if You Hit Black Ice?
If your car begins to slide on black ice, try to remain calm. The first thing you need to do is take your foot off the gas. Pressing the gas pedal may cause your car to spin even more, so it is best to take your foot off the gas so you can slow down. You can also shift to a lower gear to slow down your vehicle. Once your foot is off the gas, tap the brake pedal lightly, but do not slam the brakes. Slamming the brakes will cause your car to spin and slide even more. If your vehicle begins to skid, turn the wheel in the direction of the skid to get your vehicle back on the right track. Understanding how to control your car in these and other dangerous weather conditions can prevent serious accidents from occurring.
How Do You Drive on Black Ice?
While it is generally recommended not to drive on black ice, there are a few tips to keep in mind if you must drive on it. In black ice conditions, it is important to leave plenty of space between your car and other cars on the road. Take the typical safe following distance and double it. Do not tailgate other vehicles on the road in black ice conditions because there is a higher risk of colliding if one of the cars loses control. Furthermore, you should drive very slowly in black ice conditions. Driving slowly will help you gain control of your vehicle faster if you hit black ice and lower the risk of sustaining severe injuries and damages. Another tip is to drive with your low-beam headlights on, even during the daytime. Having your low-beam headlights on will help other cars spot you from the other direction and may help you see the shine of black ice on the road. Additionally, if you plan to drive in black ice conditions, ensure your tires have a good amount of tread on them. If your tire tread is low, there is a higher possibility that you will lose control of your vehicle if you hit black ice.