In this episode of the Simmons and Fletcher Local Missions Podcast, Host Paul H. Cannon talks to Sara Struwe, the CEO of the Spina Bifida Association. The Spina Bifida Association is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of people who suffer from Spina Bifida. Their goal is to improve their lives by providing resources and actively educating expectant parents, teachers, doctors, and the public about the effects of this condition and how to improve the lives of those born with it.
About the Spina Bifida Association
The Spina Bifida Association was formed in 1973 in Chicago and has spread nationally to support people born with the rare but significant birth defect known as Spina Bifida.
Spina Bifida occurs in the first four weeks of pregnancy when a lesion forms on the spine. Depending upon where the lesion forms, the effects of the condition may vary in how limiting they are. Spina Bifida is an incurable condition that may affect a person’s mobility and ability to care for themselves throughout their lives.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways in which a person may get involved with the Spina Bifida Association’s mission. They need education and medical professionals to act as advisory board members and volunteers to help educate. Presently, there are 133 pediatric clinics that provide a variety of doctors who are required to treat the condition. However, once a person is an adult, there are fewer doctors who really know how to treat the condition and make patients’ lives easier. Volunteers to assist with this educational process and training process are needed. A volunteer summit is held from time to time to educate people on how to be actively involved.
Fund Raising Opportunities
The main fundraisers for the organization are their local Spina Bifida Walk-n-Roll Events. The first Annual Houston Spina Bifida Walk-n-Roll takes place November 4th, 2023 at James Driver Park 10918 Bentley St, Houston, TX 77093 at 10:00 a.m. Walking teams and sponsors can learn more about how to become a part of this event by visiting the official Spina Bifida Association website. Funds raised go toward medical research as well as achieving their goals of educating the community about how to help make the lives of those with Spina Bifida easier.
Contact Information:
To reach the Spina Bifida Association for general inquiries, you can reach out to the following address: Spina Bifida Association
1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800
Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: (800) 621-3141
Ways to donate and volunteer are listed on the website, thus it would be wise to check there first for opportunities and general information.